Hey i am a normal kid that is in love with acting. Also singing is my life it is what i live for pretty much yeah i love this book i reading also called The Time Traveler's Wife yeah really good read it i am sure you will like it i have so many friends but only a couple of true friends. I love Evanescence the band but i really am in to any type of music. So now you know a little about me
Well school we have a computer lab and we learn how to make a blog and all kinds of other stuff. For entertainment i play my psp for fun or i play my video game plus the keyborad. I go to the mall in a car and car is technology pretty much. I go see a movie in the theater and it is made by technology. I love technology and you should to but technology does not always help you it is distroying our world our earth by polution from cars smoke from factories and a lot more and although it helps us out a lot it also distroys us.